Unable to compile class for JSP

Unable to compile class for JSP: The type java.util.Map$Entry cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files You have just upgrade to java 8.  Yo haven't upgraded tomcat or you did. Make sure you do not have an older ecj-*.jar file in your classpath.  …

jaxws client and ws security

Web Services Security (WS-Security, WSS) is an extension to SOAP to apply security to Web services. It is a member of the Web service specifications and was published by OASIS. This article explains how to connect a java web service client to a secure web service end point.

Gosu thoughts - List and Array Expansion(*.)

Gosu is a language I have been working with since 2011. 2011 was not the first time I encountered Gosu. My first brief meeting with Gosu was back in 2007,  when I was on an insurance project in Wisconsin. At that time it was called GScript. My first impression was that this is JavaScript…

Dynamic Code Evolution VM

One of the arguments dynamic language enthusiasts bring up as a negative attribute against the java ecosystem is that during development they do not have to stop and restart their servers when a code change is made. While this statement isn't totally true, I do agree that it is a pain to always…

Sitemesh 3 Custom Properties

This articles will describes the use of custom properties in sitemesh 3. SiteMesh is a lightweight and flexible Java web application framework that applies the Gang of Four decorator pattern to allow a clean separation of content from presentation.


I was asked a question recently about reversing a string in java. The first thing that came to my mind was to use ruby to solve the problem since there is a reverse method on the string object in ruby. Since I love java so much, I would like to discuss a solution in java. My first solution was…